This is Lucas, the newest member of our family. He is SO CUTE!! He is a German Shorthair Pointer. His temperment is sweet and energentic. He loves Morden and has been a very fun addition to the family. Puppies are a lot of work, Morden will attest to that fact! However, we had talked about that quite a bit before deciding on actually taking on this new little responsibility. Morden assured me he was up to the task, and so far he sure has been! It's a joy to watch Morden enjoy the puppy and be willing to take care of him. It's not easy, but it has definitely been worth it.
PLAYING AT GRANDMA'S We were able to take the puppy to Grandma's house for a play date. The puppies sure had fun together. At first Lucas was terrified and snuggled close to me, but after a while he got the hang of another dog and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
This weekend Morden and I looked up dog parks and found two somewhat close to our home. We went to one of the parks on Sunday and played for about 3 ho9urs. It was a fun fenced in area that had drinking fountains for both humans and dogs. There were grassy places for the dogs to play and tunnels and such to run around. Most importantly there were other dog friends. Lucas quickly became the star of the park. Within 30 minutes we had around 15 dogs playing around us. (This could have been Lucas's shining personality, Morden's willingness to romp with all dogs, or the fact that I had thought to bring an actually water bowl and treats....who knows, maybe a combination of all three.) Needless to say we had so much fun!! We plan on doing it again next weekend and really as much as possible until winter.
Now we can't always take him to the park for three hours, but we make sure to play with him tons, both in the house and outside on the grass or walking (running) about the neighborhood.
In the end we are all tuckered out, especially Lucas!